willing victim
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This winter my bio father and I got into an argument and I left the ranch and found an apartment and started doing some part time work at McDonalds to make ends meet. Now I’m a very spiritual person and spend a lot of time meditating. Even at the best of times I don’t have a lot of attachment to the material world or what most people call the real world. Then one day I found I couldn’t break my “trance like” meditative state and was unable to interact with the reality that used to be me. I could view my real world as though I was looking through a thick distorted glass, but I couldn’t make contact with it. Now I was able to overcome my fear of death and stay calm but I felt I was trapped on this astral plane type of existence which made me feel very isolated.
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So for about a week he showed up at my apartment with the two policemen to drag me away to a mental health facility. But I was never there at the same time the police were and I was able to elude being captured for awhile. Then two days later the police found me hiding in a closet and dragged me away complete with handcuffs and leg irons. I sat in front of another judge while my father worked over this second judge to force me to be admitted to the local insane asylum.
So that’s where I stayed for a few weeks. Then they diagnosed me schizophrenic and let me go into the loving care of my father.
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“Hi sweetheart.” I heard his darling voice say over the phone.
“Hi dad.” I replied. “I’m amazed you got me, I feel like I’m in solitary confinement here, no calls and no visitors.”
“‘Well your father is making a big deal of this situation. He’s told your mother that in order to relate to you she has to leave me and come live in Massachusetts.”
“What a shit head he can be.”
“Nevertheless,” my dad continued, “You have to get yourself out of there to stop your mothers’ pain and shift it onto the people who put this shit sandwich together. I would come and get you myself but that would give the impression that I’m snatching you away and this stupid game will start all over again. Best if you walk out the door, stick out your thumb and trust in God.”
“I’m ready for the exit out of here by any means.” I exclaimed.
“That’s good because there will probably be a lot of resistance to overcome.”
“OK dad, I’m out of here, see you in a few days.” I said with as much conviction as I could muster.
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Out on the road I started walking in the general direction of Pennsylvania with my thumb out. Now I’m not what one would call beautiful but I am sorta cute in a country kinda way. And it wasn’t long before the first male driver slammed on his brakes and opened up the passenger door for me. He asked where I was going and I told him Pennsylvania and he smiled thinking I was just a crazy chick. I seemed to be getting a lot of this kind of reaction lately. As we drove down the road he started asking me all the usual male questions.
“So honey, are you married or do you have a boy friend?”
I said no to both questions and was afraid his next question was going to be; do you want to have sex? But instead he reached across the front seat and put his hand on my thigh. I said to stop the car cuz this is where I get off. He did stop the car but left the car when I did and grabbed me by the arm. Unfortunately for him I am one tough farm girl and I started man handling him before he could have his way with me.
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I had read a sign stating that a small town lay up ahead and started walking toward it. I got there late at night and checked into a cheap motel wanting to get cleaned up and have a good night sleep.
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“Well dear”, she says, “Maybe if your getting tired of dealing with trying to get a ride you could come home with me for awhile and we could visit.”
Since I really was ready to take a break from hitch hiking at this point I said yes that would be fun.
So off we went until we finally arrived at her farmhouse way out in the middle of no where.
“So dear, how do you like my place?” she asked me.
“It’s really nice.” I responded. “Do you live here alone?”
“I don’t have a husband, if that’s what you’re interested in finding out. I’m kinda more interested in girls than in boys. Does that bother you?” she wanted to know.
And then before I could answer she took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom and started to undress me. Then we just started to cuddle until we got each other excited.
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“Oh honey what are you doing to me back there,” I moaned.
“You must be able to recognize a penis when it’s in you my dear.”she replied.
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And so we made love for most of the night before I couldn’t stand it any longer and had to look at the equipment between the legs of my new friend Mary.
“Honey I can’t believe your for real.” I moaned. You’re the best thing that’s come into my life in a long time. Maybe the Pennsylvania trip can wait for a little while longer.
“So sweetest heart, you have to tell me what it’s like to be a hermaphrodite.” I insisted after we cooled off a little from our love making.
“It’s a long story Denise.” she replied, “But if your really interested I’ll blow you away with the circumstances of my condition.”
“Please do.” I begged her. And she began her tale;
My life growing up was a little strange. You might have blamed it all on that oblong orifice lurking just below my penis and testicles. My parents of course knew of my condition but ordered me never to reveal the existence of said orifice by word or touch to any other living soul. And so I attended school as a boy named Fred.
I was physically smaller than the rest of my male peers and when I reached puberty I didn’t have the facial hair or completely lose my high pitched voice. My chest developed small mounds around my nipples and my ass was bigger than any of the other boys in the school.
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So everyone came over and examined my orifice by word and touch and decided that I was not a boy named Fred but a girl pretending to be a boy. They were so excited about this bit of news that they forgot about me and headed down the corridor to tell the rest of the school what they had discovered. I decided to go home and tell my parents that everyone in the school now thought I am a girl.
My mother wasn’t as surprised as I thought she would be.
“Don’t you worry dear, it was only a matter of time before the cat was out of the bag,” she explained to me. “Now however you can’t go back to school as a boy named Fred but must go as a girl named Mary.”
So without asking me how I felt about the idea, she started to undress me and began tucking my male equipment back in upon itself so it could hardly be seen.
“I’ve been reading up on this sort of thing, honey, because I knew the day would come when this knowledge would come in handy,” she said with pride in her voice.
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Now she said what I need is some panties and a dress and I’ll be ready to start my new life as Mary.
And so before I knew it I looked and felt like a girl named Mary.
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When we were in front of the
principals’ desk my mother started telling her (the principal
was a woman) that my dad always wanted a boy and forced my mother and
me to go along with making his daughter into a boy named Fred. But in
truth, my mother continued, this is our daughter Mary.
Well the principal wasn’t sure about this story so she asked
me to lift my dress and bend over. As I did so, she stuck her hand up
the back of my panties and started to feel for my orifice. By the time
she found it, it was starting to get pretty wet down there with all
this attention and stimulation and I was starting to think that maybe
being a girl was not such a bad idea.![]() |
I guess it was at this point I decided to quit school and make it on my own. My parents weren’t happy with this plan but could see I was wasting away at school and needed something in my life to grab on to.
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When I finally snapped out of my depression I got a job at a recording studio and rented this farm which is near by. So here I sit, hiding out from the world. And that's my story, Denise, sad but true."
We held each other all night long but in the morning I was alone in the bed and Mary was up and getting dressed. Only when she finished dressing and I looked at her from my position on the bed, did I realize she looked more like a Fred than a Mary. Her hair was tied back and she wore a guy’s shirt and jeans.
“Hey sleepy head, you going to stay in bed all day.” Mary teased. “I gotta go to work at the recording studio. I’m the guy who takes care of the horses that the guests ride when they’re not recording. I got the job as Fred so if you want to visit me today just follow the path through the woods to the studio and ask for Fred. Please honey, don’t give my little secret away to anybody. Thanks dear and help yourself to breakfast with whatever you can find. Bye Bye.”
As I walk out the door on my way to work I start heading down the path to the studio but notice out of the corner of my eye Denise had gotten out of bed and was standing at the window watching me disappearing into the woods. As I walk to work I think how nice it would be to have her come see me at work.
I arrive at work and start my day with feeding the horses grain and hay. I get the saddles and other things needed for the few rides I have to give. As the morning draws into the middle of the afternoon on a beautiful sunny warm day with a slight breeze just to keep it comfortable, I finally give my last ride.
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This is not what I had in mind and I tell her so. “Why are you in that weird position with your eyes closed, Denise?” I inquire as I drop to the ground and attempt a lazy lotus in front of her.
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As Fred becomes more relaxed in my presence and is starting to trust me as much as he’s able to trust anyone, my mind opens up to him and he starts to fall into it. His body twitches as his mind leaves it behind and his essence flies through the window of my soul and we meet in an inner realm of my creation. We are both naked as I take his hand in mine and pull him down on top of me. At first he starts to use me to gain some illusionary end which doesn’t exist on this plane. Then he becomes more aware as he realizes there is nothing to win or lose here.“Be Here Now,” I whisper in his ear.
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“What you did was really weird, nobody does it like that.”
“Well I feel bad for everyone else because having sex with your mind is soooo much better than slopping around with your bodies.” I purred back at him.
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