Gender Fluid cont' 2

  So I met a guy on second life last night and had a very good time with him.  Now on my profile I leave my physical gender ambiguous.  So when a guy who only wants to use me for sex reads it he puts pressure on me to tell him what my physical world gender is.  That tells me he is incapable of relating to me as a person.  But I didn't go through that with the guy I met last night and fortunately I was wearing a dress and on my female end of the gender fluid spectrum.  He needed to relate to a female and I was able to give him what he needed.
  So another relationship has started for me.  Now relationships are like climbing mountains.  You go higher and higher but if you make a misstep you fall off the mountain and crash on the rocks below.  I relate without attachment so never make a misstep and always watch the pain of attachment materialize in the person I am trying to relate to.


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