My Trip Back


I did have the e-mail of the people who I lived with where I met Cardy and found out a few of them were planning a skiing trip to northern Colorado.  So, I asked them to pick me up on their way back to Massachusetts.  

They arrived a few days later in a Volkswagen bus with seven other people crammed into it.  I paid my share of the gas and off we went.  There was also a dog and one of the passengers was somebodies' mother who looked frail and old. 

We traveled non stop for almost two days and the somebodies' mother who was sitting beside me looked like she was going to die right there in the bus.  It makes for a tough trip when you only stop for gas and beer.

So I got my old room back and was very popular telling everyone about my adventures as we gathered around at night to get high.  But once again I was in need of an income and started asking if anyone knew of a place to work.  One of the guys said his wife was the manager of a rock and roll recording studio where they needed someone to care for the horses they used to entertain the guests.  I figured I could probably handle that, so the next day I went there to see about some work.

The guys' wife and manager of the recording studio was at her desk.  Once again I was struck by the attraction I felt for her.  But I figured this was no time to get involved with anyone's wife and my potential boss, so I kept a low profile.

I told her that her husband was the person who recommended this place but by the look she gave me I figured that information didn't help her warm up to me.  So, I added that I had just met him the other night and we did a little pot but I'm not a stoner and I really do need a job.  I told her of my ride from Wyoming and where I was living.  I also told her I had been riding and working with horses for most of my life on my parents' dairy farm.  She knew the people I had gotten myself mixed up with and I guess took pity on me and gave me the job of taking care of the horses.  

So, the next night, as we all gathered around again, I thanked my new friend for helping me find a job and he insisted I come over to his place to celebrate after work tomorrow.  He told his wife and she offered to drive me to her place after my first day of mucking out horse manure.

We waited a long time at her house for her husband to join us but he never showed up.  His wife, Kathy, told me how unreliable he was and she couldn't count on him for anything.  I noticed she lived on kind of a mini farm in need of serious work including wood for the woodstove which was her only source of heat. 

She offered me a place to stay in return for work on her farm and I accepted.  After agreeing to be housemates, we became more open with each other and I was able to tell her of my condition.  She seemed to take it well and didn't back out of any of our agreements.  In fact she even invited me to go riding with her.

She admitted that her marriage was on the rocks and she was very unsure of her future.  I was very good at taking care of myself and figured we would make a good team if she found that idea pleasing.  This is how I started my next deep relationship.

She did divorce her husband which made our relationship deeper.  Since I had the penis, I was put into the role of the husband.  I could never be much of an alpha male but I did become more of a boy and less of a girl.

There was always a party going on at the recording studio for the rock stars who were recording and Kathy always wanted me to dress outlandishly for the benefit of the guests.

But when morning came around and I reported to the horse barn for work, this is more how I looked.

Then Kathy told me how the owner of the recording studio was trying to get into her pants and made it a pre-requisite for keeping her job.  So we quit and could have gone back to my parents' dairy farm, but we figured we needed more time together, making our way through life.  We wanted to be able to work together and present ourselves however we wanted.  So, we found a job picking apples where you got paid for the amount of fruit you picked, not by how you looked.

I still looked pretty girly after work in the apple orchards, but during working hours, I tried to dress to accommodate the work situation.

After picking apples all day, we were ready to hit a bar and get a little wasted.

Then we would walk the beach together to sober up.

When the apple season ended in November we bought a van and followed everyone down to Florida to pick oranges.

Picking oranges is very hard work, but once again you get paid for how much you pick, and how you look or your gender orientation doesn't matter.

By this time, we made a good fruit picking team and after work we would go out together and have fun.

I found that some days I'd wake up and feel like a girl.

but other days I would feel more boyish.  Then I would wear a tight top to flatten my boobs and be more of a boy for Kathy.

but often times I would look like a girly boy because I liked wearing skirts.

 When the orange season ended I got a call from my mom asking me to come back to the dairy farm to help out with the farm work.  Kathy and I were an item by then and were ready to apply our working skills to my parents' dairy farm.  But first we got married.

We took our time getting back to the dairy farm and just enjoyed being a married couple.

But eventually we arrived at the farm and left Fairyland behind.


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