The Illusion of Free Will

 We all have thoughts in our head which we choose to act on or not and we call this free will.  Well if you look a little deeper at how these thoughts got into your head in the first place, you would find, for most people, all your thoughts are generated by fear.

So, we are really slaves to the people in our lives who we are afraid of offending.  It seems like the only alternative to freeing ourselves from the fear that was instilled in us when we were young, is to live in a hole in the ground in the woods and catch our own food.

 Unfortunately, we were brought up to be dependent on each other so even this option is denied us.  But fortunately, there is a force in our lives which overrides the bullshit we were taught as children.  This force operates to find health within us as well as harmony in our external environment.

It's difficult to access this force through words because words exist in the realm of the intellect.  Only when we take ourselves beyond our intellect and ego and experience this force in action upon our lives, do we start to believe in this force.

  Lately I have gotten in touch with this force through working my mules.  They take me deep into the heart of nature where this force dwells.


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