Unconditional Love and Gender Fluidness

To get a little back ground on this story, it might be helpful to read my, "Being Gender Fluid" story. A lot has been happening as my gender fluidness meshes with my spirituality. Because of my femboi profile on second life I was invited to join a group by a guy who put together an amazing site. He gave me a tour of his place and then we had sex together at a party with all his friends watching. For some reason I went along with this because there was something about him that was interesting. After we had sex he told me he wasn't going to do this with me again because he has a girl friend. Well I thought he should have avoided the whole sex thingy right from the beginning if this is how he felt. But I did go to another party with his girl friend present where there was more sex scenes but I didn't participate and found the party very boring. The next day, however, his girl friend contacted ...