Working on Enlightenment as a Girlie Boy


I've found that most intellectuals have trouble accepting anyone who doesn't adhere to their ascribed gender at birth. In other words, if you are born with a penis, you find yourself under a lot of pressure to look and act male.  And vice-versa. 

But is this the way everyone should be?  I say, how we present gender, in spite of what we have or haven't got between our legs, is a personal freedom, that shouldn't be messed with.  Soo the fact that there is a lot of resistance to this freedom, confronting this control pressure, and overcoming it, becomes a path toward enlightenment.

But the problem is very deep rooted.  Since we all depend on money to survive and we are all born into a culture where money is controlled by a few people who want more power and more control, at any cost to the people they control, most of us live the way these control freaks tell us to.  

The big question is, what happens when the controls freaks call us in for dinner and we don't go.  We are led to believe that we can't make it without them.

The only way to find out the answer to this question is not let yourself be bullied by these control freaks.  I know everyone talks about being free, but how many of us have walked out on everything we own and love to find out if these control freaks are really all powerful.

Freedom is a tough road to follow.  The first thing that happens is your ego gets crushed.  And that is very painful, depending on how much bad karma you racked up with it.  Most of us like to pass our bad karma to anyone who will open up to it.  But without an ego, it comes rushing back until you eat it all yourself.

But if you can get through this stage without dying, you start to feel a different force running your life.  We call this force love, the strongest force in the universe.

Also you will feel your ego coming back alive, but now you have to work at keeping it in harmony with your soul.

If you can keep your life motivated by love instead of fear, a new way of living will open up to you.


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