Dealing with Deep Relationships

   My latest deep relationship on second life has some interesting aspects to it.  First of all I was dancing at a new place, for me, on second life when a guy showed up and asked to dance with me.  We danced and had a great time together and became friends.  We met everyday after that, at a place he rented for us, for at least a month.  He was breaking up with his wife and was planing to move out and find an apartment for himself in real life.  This situation was causing him a lot of pain and I know seeing me helped him deal with the pain.  The relationship kept getting deeper and deeper to the point where we had a virtual sexual experience.  After that I noticed he was distracted when he was with me and then one day he was voice chatting with woman when I came on line with him.  I had to ask who it was and found out it was the wife who was divorcing him.  I figure she could sense there was another woman in his life and he told her about our virtual relationship so she came on second life to find me.  I didn't mind helping him get out of the hole she put him in but I was unwilling to join him in that hole.  Soo I broke up with him.
   About a month later I was dancing again at the spot where I first met him and he was dancing with
another girl.  Now you can have private chats with people you see in your area and the girl he was dancing with private messaged me to tell me he told her all about me.  I thought that was interesting because I didn't think he really understood why I broke off the relationship with him.  She said he was hurt very badly and stopped coming on second life for the last month but a friend helped him out of his depression.  I told her I was glad for him.


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