Spirituality and Gender Fluidness 5

  The idea of finding unconditional love rides my consciousness like a parrot sitting on my shoulder.  The person who I experienced it with is now just a reminder of how this experience felt.  I find I now get less attached to the distractions I create or which find me and my physical world gets more harmonious.  Still it takes work, focus and discipline to maintain this level of conscious awareness.  But I know if I come out of the rabbit hole now, I will become a victim to the illusions everyone around me has fallen prey to.

  There is also the awareness of being engaged in a game with someone who is powerful, yes, but very unaware.  Already he has made some very bad moves and only the fact that the culture supports his illusions keeps him from becoming a victim himself.  Soo once again I am up against a cultural illusion which is willing to sacrifice a limitless number of victims to keep it's illusions in tact.
    Usually I find a game like this not worth playing, but in this case, I have played this same game on the material plane and beat it to obtain and maintain a high level of conscious awareness.  So I figure the principles are the same in the virtual world and if nothing else I know my work, focus and discipline are never wasted.


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