Spirituality and Gender Fluidness

Screenshot_2020-06-17 Dropbox - Dropbox(2)Sometimes I look like this and other times I look like this:

Screenshot_2020-06-17 Dropbox - Dropbox(3)But I’m always the same person inside.

Lately I’ve been dealing with unconditional love.  Now this is exactly how Christ managed to get Himself crucified.  And the world is still ready to crucify anyone who practices it.  So needless to say you don’t see much of it around.  But I did happen to find someone who was practicing unconditional love and I did experience it.  And let me tell you it was very sweet.  Now I had no choice but to return the love, maybe not unconditionally, but nevertheless I did love her back.

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I did question the fact that she didn’t seem that aware and yet was able to love unconditionally in this physical world without being martyred.   As it turned out, she was controlled by a guy who was into the dark side of metaphysics.  He would feed off of her and whoever loved her back and just materialize new victims before he drained her dry.  She actually was dying of the virus when I caught up with her but with the help of my love was able to survive it.

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Anyways her so called boy friend started to feed off of me and since I don’t love unconditionally and this is a condition I do not tolerate, I had to let go of this unconditional love.  Maybe it’s for the best because I don’t think I am capable of overcoming all the bad karma she could bring into my life through her unconditional love.


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